Wednesday, December 1, 2010

STRESS. Chiropractic just might be the answer to relieving stress.

There are so many different causes of stress, especially in today’s fast paced world. It seems like bills pile up faster than ever and that can lead to being overworked and that can lead to worrying about our job security, and that can lead to arguments with coworkers or with our spouse and children. You see how fast this can snowball and some people will become overwhelmed and totally frustrated.

Physical stress may be the result of not getting the proper sleep, having to many things to do, a poor diet or just getting over being ill. Mental stress can come from worrying about bills, losing your job, illness or death of a spouse or loved one.

Whatever the cause, stress can take a toll on you physically and mentally. Even the smallest of problems can sometimes totally stress you out.

Tips to help you with those stressful times.

Exercise – Exercising is an excellent way to relieve tension and anxiety, it will also help you get into good physical condition, sleep better at night, feel more confident about yourself and simply be much more healthier.

Walking – This topic would normally be in the exercise category, however, it seems that just a short walk can clear your mind and really help to relieve stress especially for elder’s or a person unable to do certain exercises.

Breathing Exercises – While sitting quietly try to focus on your breathing, take in deep breaths, hold it in a few seconds, and then release by blowing out gently. Make sure to concentrate on your breathing, repeat this for a few minutes.

Yoga – Yoga is an excellent way to relieve stress. You can also do your own mediating at home without ever taking a Yoga class. All you need is a quiet room and a few minutes to relax. Start by sitting comfortable, you want to focus on all your different muscles by tightening them for 5 seconds and then relaxing them for a minute or so. Start with your scalp muscles, then your face muscles and so on working your way down your body. Its very important to let your mind relax, try to put yourself in a calm and tranquil place, maybe somewhere you’ve been and enjoy. Try to keep the outside world out of your thoughts completely.

Stress Is A Serious Matter.

Stress can be much more serious than most people think, stress is proven to cause illness and other health problems that could even become life threatening.

We can identify and treat stress through nutrition, exercise, adjustments, and lifestyle.

Why live with stress when you really shouldn’t have to.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Nutrition - It's all about what and how you eat!

Ever wonder just how many diets are out there? Hundreds, maybe even thousands! Let's think here a second...Why are so many people in America overweight when they have all these sure fire diets to slim them down in no time flat?

Why shouldn't I be able to eat as much as I want for twenty years, become totally unhealthy, maybe even obese, and like so many others just take a new and amazing diet pill? It works on all the television commercials, doesn't it? You've seen them before...someone is 250 lbs. overweight, but within 60 days they are swimsuit models. Their hair, teeth, and eyes are even beautiful!

Let's face reality; if it were so easy to take a wonder pill, or go on a 30-day supermodel diet, the whole world would be in great physical shape (including myself). All jokes aside, nutrition plays a vital role in our life. Eating the right foods along with the correct portions determines how our bodies grown and function.

Through the foods we eat is how our bodies receive the vitamins and minerals it needs to live. Eat right and your body will be healthy and well, eat junk and your body will be not so healthy or well.

Chiropractors today have studied nutrition and they know what foods you should eat. They understand the importance of a healthy, well balanced diet, and sometimes can even diagnose a lack of a certain vitamin or mineral is causing a patient symptoms.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Chiropractic and You.

Chiropractic care involved diagnosing and treating patient's problems, and not just treating the symptoms. While medications often have their place in a patient's treatment, medications can have terrible and sometimes fatal side effects; and surgical procedures can sometimes be avoided.

A Different Approach.
The human body is capable of healing itself naturally, with regular spinal check-ups (and adjustments if needed), exercise, and a nutritional diet. By listening to, and working closely with our patients, we are able to unlock a persons own healing ability, and can lead them down the path to having good health, both physically and mentally.

The Body's Ability to Heal Itself.
Unlocking a persons own healing ability means that we will first, listen to the patient explain what or where the problem is. Second, we will examine the patient to find out exactly what is causing the problem. Third, we will discuss the condition with the patient and explain the types of treatments that are available.

An All Natural Way of Life.
After the initial symptoms have been treated and are under control, we may suggest a regular maintenance program, which could open the door for you and your family to live a better way of life. Our goal is to create a healthier and happier you, through natural healing. Our practice isn't just about taking away the pain, but exceeding far beyond your expectations so you can live life to its fullest.

A Note from Our Office.
Even though chiropractors take the natural approach to healing, they do understand that under certain circumstances, conditions will need to be treated with medications, and we would never want you to stop taking medications that could mean life or death. Please consult with your prescribing physician before changing or stopping your medication.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sports and Chiropractic Care

The Chiropractor plays a very important role in the sports world. From professional to amateur and even the weekend player, all are benefiting from chiropractic care.

The Chiropractor’s role is not only to treat injuries, but they can also help to enhance performance, prevent and manage injuries. They can be effective in the nutritional aspects of athletic performance as well as helping in competition preparation and endurance, and all aspects of injury prevention and treatment.

More and more athletes, professional and amateur, are choosing chiropractic care; this is evident by the increased treatments in the collegiate, Olympic, and professional levels. The list of advocates is long, and includes boxing champion Evander Holyfield along with professional football players Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, and Rodger Craig. Other advocates are Chichi Rodriguez in golf; world champion kick-boxer Dennis Alexio; as well as champions in virtually every major sport are becoming regular chiropractic patients. Many athletes insist on being adjusted by their chiropractors just prior to competition. They feel they are not able to perform at their optimum ability without the reassurance that they have full range of motion and decreased restriction in their joints.

The athlete is always looking to enhance performance, speed, injury rehabilitation, and increase endurance. In their search they are being drawn to the benefits of nutrition. Chiropractors qualified in the field of nutrition are able to give pertinent advice on vitamin supplementation, dietary intakes, environmental toxicities, homeostasis, and biomechanical reactions of bodily systems.

Looking to reduce injuries, entire teams as well as individual athletes are following a chiropractic designed conditioning program. Chiropractors are trained professionals in the area of biomechanical function of the neuromusculoskeletal system are capable of preparing a better, more complete conditioning and injury prevention program.

The trend towards chiropractic in sports care has been shown to be valid. It is hoped that more definitive studies in the area of nutrition, biomechanics and injury rehabilitation will be done to heighten chiropractic in the sports care arena. Because of the increasing worldwide interest in sports and fitness, no matter what your age or level of athletic achievement, the opportunity to finally see the role of chiropractic in sports cares is at hand.

Chiropractic Research Shows Positive Benefits!

Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic treatment is both safe and effective. The following are excerpts from a few of the more recent studies. By examining the research supporting chiropractic care, you will find that chiropractic offers tremendous potential in meeting today’s health care challenges.

For Acute and Chronic Pain

Patients with chronic low-back pain treated by chiropractors showed greater improvement and satisfaction at one month than patients treated by family physicians. Satisfaction scores were higher for chiropractic patients. A higher proportion of chiropractic patients (56% vs. 13%) reported that their low-back pain was better or much better, whereas nearly one third of medical patients reported their low-back pain was worse or much worse.

(2000) Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics-

In a randomized controlled trial, 183 patients with neck pain were randomly allocated to manual therapy (spinal mobilization), physiotherapy (mainly exercise) or general practitioner care (counseling, education and drugs) in a 52- week study. The clinical outcomes measures showed that manual therapy resulted in faster recovery than physiotherapy and general practitioner care. Moreover, total costs of the manual therapy-treated patients were about one-third of the costs of physiotherapy or general practitioner care.

(2003) British Medical Journal-

In comparison to other treatment alternatives, acute and chronic chiropractic patients experienced better outcomes in pain, functional disability, and patient satisfaction; clinically important differences in pain and disability improvement were found for chronic patients.

(2005) Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics-

In our randomized, controlled trial we compared the effectiveness of manual therapy, physical therapy, and continued care by a general practitioner in patents with nonspecific neck pain. The success rate at seven weeks was twice as high for the manual group (68.3%) as for the continued care group (general practitioner). Manual therapy scored better than physical therapy on all outcome measures. Patients receiving manual therapy had fewer absences from work than patients receiving physical therapy or continued care. Manual therapy and physical therapy each resulted in statistically significant less analgesic use than continued care.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic Care

Experts estimate that 3 million to 6 million Americans suffer from fibromyalgia. An astonishing 80% of these people are women. Some of the risks factors are: being a woman between the ages of 20 to 50 and also having a rheumatoid disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or Sjogren’s syndrome. Fibromyalgia also seems to run in families, so a gene may be at least partly responsible for this condition.

With all the technology available in today’s world, experts do not know the exact cause of fibromyalgia. There are theories about possible causes or triggers including inadequate sleep, suffering an injury, or a physical or emotional trauma that affects the brain, spine and nerves. Some experts believe that a viral or bacterial infection plays a part.

Abnormal production of pain-related chemicals in the nervous system also contributes to the symptoms of fibromyalgia. It’s thought that any one of these factors may “bring on” the symptoms of fibromyalgia in someone who is already genetically predisposed to the condition.

The most common symptoms:
• Chronic pain throughout the body
• Burning, numbness and tingling
• Sleep disorders
• Tenderness on, or around the neck, hips, elbows, thighs and knees
• Depression
• Chronic fatigue or exhaustion
• Facial Pain
• Anxiety
• Jaw Pain (TMJ)
• Irritable Bowel
• Memory Loss
• Tension or Migraine Headaches
• High sensitivity to foods and medication (allergic type reaction)
• Minimal tolerance to heat and cold
• High sensitivity to bright lights and sounds
• Hair loss
(This is a list of common symptoms, other symptoms may occur.)

Fibromyalgia basically means pain in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The pain occurs in the areas where the muscles attach to the bone or ligaments and is similar to arthritis pain. Since the joints are not affected, they will not deteriorate or become deformed as with arthritic conditions.

Typically the pain originates in one area, usually the neck and shoulders, and then radiates out from there. Most patients report feeling some pain all the time, and many describe it as being “exhausting”. Weather changes, the time of day, physical activity, and stressful events are all factors in the different levels of pain one suffers with from day to day. The pain has been described as stiffness, burning, stabbing, sudden, radiating, and aching. The pain is often more intense after disturbed sleep, which is a common complaint among sufferers.

One of the major complaints is fatigue, some patients report this as more debilitating as the pain. Fatigue and sleep disturbances are, in fact, almost universal in patients with fibromyalgia. Some experts believe that without these symptoms, physicians should seek a diagnosis other than fibromyalgia.

People not suffering from fibromyalgia can't begin to understand this disease. Friends and family members sometimes think that a person is just lazy or it’s all in their head. How can a person look so normal and feel so bad? To feel so tired all the time and to always be in pain, just imagine how that must feel. At this time there is no known cure, but your chiropractor can be very helpful in treating fibromyalgia.

Patients must make changes in their lives including: diet (nutrition is very important), exercise, stretching, spinal adjustments, relieving stress, sleep patterns, etc. Chiropractors understand the effects fibromyalgia brings with it and they have the knowledge, training, and experience to help their patients not only deal with, but help with regaining their lives and living life again.

Although the medical profession is beginning to finally recognize fibromyalgia, many physicians are still denying that fibromyalgia even exists. Treatment must begin with the patient having the will to make changes in their lifestyle. Secondly, the patient must seek out professional help; this is where chiropractic care enters the picture. Most medical doctors will treat patients by giving them drugs, and if one drug doesn’t work, they try another and send the patient on their way. This is a very complicated and debilitating disease, each case is different and must be treated as so.

Knowledge, understanding, and compassion is all part of the chiropractic treatment. If you are suffering from, or believe you have the symptoms of fibromyalgia, find a chiropractor and begin natural treatments today. You’ll be glad you did.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tension Headaches


A condition involving pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck, usually associated with muscle tightness in these areas. Tension headaches are one of the most common forms of headache. They can occur at any age, but are most common in adults and adolescents. If a headache occurs two or more times weekly for several months or longer, the condition is considered chronic. Tension headaches result from the contraction of neck and scalp muscles. One cause of this muscle contraction is a response to stress, depression or anxiety. Any activity that causes the head to be held in one position for a long time without moving can cause a headache. Such activities include typing or use of computers, fine work with the hands, and use of a microscope. Sleeping in a cold room or sleeping with the neck in an abnormal position can also trigger this type of headache. Other causes include spinal misalignment, eyestrain, fatigue, alcohol use, excessive smoking, excessive caffeine use, sinus infection, nasal congestion, overexertion, colds, and influenza. Tension headaches are not associated with structural lesions in the brain.









Chiropractic care works on correcting misalignments that cause headaches and relieving symptoms associated with tension headaches. To see if chiropractic may be able to help you call (405) 246-0180 today for a complimentary consultation.

Healthy Living

Healthy living covers a lot of information. Diet, exercise, rest, stress and our lifestyle are just a few of the important factors for living healthy lives.

The foods we eat determine the amount of nutrients our bodies take in, and in today’s fast paced world most people just don’t have time to prepare wholesome home cooked meals. This brings up another point, today’s modern farming methods rob the soil of almost all its nutrients, which means even home cooked meals don’t contain the nutrients they should. Unless you can find all organically grown fruits and vegetables, meals alone probably won't supply our bodies the nutrients we need.
Our bodies need certain vitamins and minerals to stay healthy, and many people take supplemental nutrients such as one a day multi-vitamins and minerals. Some of these may help, but studies show most manufactured tablets don’t even absorb into our systems. Please understand that eating healthy foods is still very important and your Chiropractor is trained in nutrition and can refer you to what supplements you need.

Exercise is the only way a person’s body can be physically fit. There are many different ways to exercise, and one of the most common forms of exercise is walking. Walking can be done by people of all ages no matter if they are ill, overweight, or in poor physical condition; everyone can enjoy the benefits of walking. Walking is also a good way to help relieve stress, get your digestive system working and can even help you sleep at night.

Lifting weights will strengthen your body by building muscle and keeping your bones strong. You will not only be stronger, but it will be easier to maintain your weight.

Stretching Exercise
Every exercise routine should include a series of stretching exercises. Stretching your muscles on a regular basis will make you much more flexible and limber, making your regular exercise routine easier and more enjoyable. Staying limber also makes you less susceptible to injury.

Running or jogging is a great way to help stay fit. It helps to build muscle tone and the most important benefit is the cardiovascular workout you get with running.

"I can't seem to get a good nights sleep!" This is the most common complaint of patients. Your body needs rest to restore itself. In the hustle and bustle of today, it seems like there just isn’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything we want to. More and more people are complaining about not being able to fall to sleep at night because they are still wound up from the days activities. Sleep experts believe a good cure for some people may be routine. This means having a set bedtime every night, and not laying in bed watching television. For example, if 11pm is going to be your set bedtime then you should try to start unwinding 1 to 2 hours before. To begin winding down, lower the lights and don't sit in front of a television or computer screen. Dimmer light will help you naturally to become sleepy before bedtime. Sticking with a routine should help you fall asleep easier when you go to bed.

Stress and Your Lifestyle
Almost everyone experiences stress at sometime in their life. People get stressed out over money, relationships, kids, jobs, etc. Most can handle these moments, but for many it can interrupt or even ruin their lives. Millions of people turn to prescription drugs for help and medical doctors are quick to prescribe drugs, which usually only treat the symptoms. Some of these drugs have side effects that are very harmful or even fatal if abused. Many people are so overwhelmed and stressed out, that they turn to taking illegal drugs that are addictive and life threatening. There are many natural ways to help combat stress, so ask your Chiropractor how they can help!

To learn more about healthy living, please call us today!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May is National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month


The thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density over time. Osteoporosis is the most common type of bone disease. There are currently an estimated 10 million Americans suffering from osteoporosis, as well as another 18 million who have low bone mass, or osteopenia. Osteoporosis occurs when the body fails to form enough new bone, or when too much old bone is reabsorbed by the body, or both. Calcium and phosphate are two minerals that are essential for normal bone formation. Throughout youth, the body uses these minerals to produce bones. If calcium intake is not sufficient, or if the body does not absorb enough calcium from the diet, bone production and bone tissues may suffer. As people age, calcium and phospate may be reabsorbed back into the body from the bones, which makes the bone tissue weaker. Both situations can result in brittle, fragile bones that are subject to fractures, even in the absence of trauma. Researchers estimate that about 20% of American women over the age of 50 have osteoporosis. In addition, another 30% of them have osteopenia, which is abnormally low bone density that may eventually deteriorate into osteoporosis, if not treated. About half of all women over the age of 50 will suffer a fracture of the hip, wrist, or vertebra.









Chiropractic care works on relieving symptoms and complications associated with osteoporosis. To see if chiropractic may be able to help you call (405) 246-0180 today for a complimentary consultation.

Balanced Wellness Chiropractic Physicians
Dr. Dustin Schmidt • Dr. Angela Schmidt • 405.260.0180
307 E. Danforth Rd., Ste. 154 • Edmond, OK 73034

Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh My Blooming Back!

As springtime approaches, weather warms up and leaves turn green, many people will spend more time outside planting bulbs, mowing the lawn and pulling weeds. Gardening can provide a great workout, but with all the bending, twisting, reaching and pulling, your body may not be ready for exercise of the garden variety. Gardening can be enjoyable, but it is important to stretch your muscles before reaching for your gardening tools. The back, upper legs, shoulders, and wrists are all major muscle groups affected when using your green thumb. A warm-up and cool-down period is as important in gardening as it is for any other physical activity. Performing simple stretches during these periods will help alleviate injuries, pain and stiffness. To make gardening as fun and enjoyable as possible, it is important to prepare your body for this type of physical activity. The following stretches will help to alleviate muscle pain after a day spent in your garden.

Garden Fitness Stretches
• Before stretching for any activity, breathe in and out, slowly and rhythmically; do not bounce or jerk your body, and stretch as far and as comfortably as you can. Do not follow the no pain, no gain rule. Stretching should not be painful.
• While sitting, prop your heel on a stool or step, keeping the knees straight. Lean forward until you feel a stretch in the back of the thigh, or the hamstring muscle. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Do this once more and repeat with the other leg.
• Stand up, balance yourself, and grab the front of your ankle from behind. Pull your heel towards your buttocks and hold the position for 15 seconds. Do this again and repeat with the other leg.
• While standing, weave your fingers together above your head with the palms up. Lean to one side for 10 seconds, then to the other. Repeat this stretch three times.
• Do the "Hug your best friend." Wrap your arms around yourself and rotate to one side, stretching as far as you can comfortably go. Hold for 10 seconds and reverse. Repeat two or three times. Finally, be aware of your body technique, form and posture while gardening. Kneel, don't bend, and alternate your stance and movements frequently.

When the Bulbs are Planted...
If you already feel muscle aches and pains and did not complete the warm-up and cool-down stretches, there are ways to alleviate the discomfort. Apply a cold pack on the area of pain for the first 48 hours or apply a heat pack after 48 hours, and consider chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care works on correcting misaligned or out of place vertebrae and can remove the pressure placed on the nerve endings that line the surface of the joint and course through the space between the joints, reducing pain and improving flexibility and function. To see if chiropractic may be able to help you call (405) 246-0180 today for a complimentary consultation.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

How Does Acupuncture Work?

• The classical Chinese explanation is that channels of energy run in regular patterns throughout the body and over its surface. These energy channels, called meridians, are like rivers flowing through the body irrigating and nourishing tissues. An obstruction in the movement of this energy is like a dam that backs up a river.

• Needling acupuncture points, or stimulating them with an electronic or laser device, can influence the meridians. The acupuncture needles, or other stimulation, unblocks the obstructions at the dams, and reestablishes the regular flow of energy through the meridians. Acupuncture treatments can therefore help the body's internal organs correct imbalances in their digestion, absorption, and other functions, and in the circulation of their energy through the meridians.

• The modern scientific explanation is that needling acupuncture points, or stimulating them with an electronic or laser device, stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals will either change the experience of pain, or they will trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones, which influence the body’s own internal regulating system.

• The improved energy and biochemical balance produced by acupuncture results in stimulating the body's natural healing abilities, and in promoting physical and emotional well-being.

• While acupuncture is often associated with pain control, it does have broader applications. For thousands of years acupuncture has been used to treat hundreds of conditions. Acupuncture can be effective as the only treatment used, or as the support or adjunct to other medical or natural treatment forms.


The World Health Organization recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of a wide range of medical problems, including:

Digestive disorders: abdominal pain, hyper-acidity, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea...
Respiratory disorders: sinusitis, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, common cold...
Neurological and muscular disorders: headaches, migraines, muscle pain/cramping, neck pain, arthritis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, various forms of tendinitis, low back pain, sciatica...
Urinary, menstrual, reproductive problems and much more!

Acupuncture is particularly useful in resolving physical problems related to tension and stress and emotional conditions.


• Treatments are individualized and the number of treatments differs with each person. Chronic problems usually require more treatments than acute conditions.

• Usually there are no side effects. During initial treatments, any change, even a transient exacerbation of symptoms, is considered a favorable response. Many patients report a sensation of well-being or relaxation following acupuncture treatment.

• Most patients only feel minimal pain as the needles are inserted; some feel no pain at all. In some, the needle will be rotated slightly until a dull ache is felt radiating from the point, which indicates the arrival of qi (energy of the body in meridians).

• Acupuncture treatments can be given at the same time other techniques are being used, such as conventional Western medicine, chiropractic adjustments, and homeopathic or naturopathic prescriptions. It is important that your physician/acupuncturist know everything that you are doing, so he or she can help you get the most benefit from all your treatments.

Acupuncture encourages the body to promote natural healing and improve function by inserting needles or using electrical stimulation at very precise acupuncture points. Since everyone is different, it is difficult to predict how someone will react to treatment or how long it will take before symptoms start to subside. Some people feel immediate relief while others may experience relief after a couple treatments. The acupuncture treatment or protocol used is as unique as the individual and points are selected on a case-by-case basis.

Traditional acupuncture utilizes very small, sterile, disposable needles to stimulate acupuncture points with treatments typically lasting anywhere from 5-20 minutes. Everybody reacts differently to treatment and it is not uncommon for some needles to fall out toward the end of treatment or for slight bleeding to occur after needles are removed.

Electronic and laser acupuncture devices use no needles and are effective tools used to stimulate acupuncture points. Treatment times are shorter, typically lasting several seconds.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Balanced Wellness Chiropractic is celebrating its Grand Opening!

Balanced Wellness Chiropractic Physicians in Edmond, OK is almost two months old and is still celebrating its Grand Opening Special through the end of May! Drs. Dustin and Angela Schmidt are pleased to welcome new patients with an exclusive special offer of $75 off your first visit or a free consultation and x-rays (if needed), whichever is greater. Balanced Wellness Chiropractic is also pleased to welcome massage therapist, Tish Howard, to the team. Tish is now accepting new clients by appointment. To schedule your massage with Tish you can call the clinic at 405-246-0180. You can also visit us online at, become a fan of Balanced Wellness Chiropractic Physicians on Facebook, and follow the doctors on Twitter at DrAngelaSchmidt and DrDustinSchmidt. We are pleased to serve the community of Edmond, OK and look forward to seeing you soon!

Balanced Wellness Chiropractic - "A balanced approach to better health."